Acceptance letter for guest speaker on the occasion of school annual day

Mr Steward

Mr Murray,
HDMS School,

Dear Mr Murray,
It takes extreme pleasure to make you aware of my acceptance for being the speaker on the occasion of Annual Day of your school. There have been certain prior commitments which I have not taken into account during the last time when I accepted you offer for being the speaker. I assure you that this mistake shall not take place again at this time and I will make sure that the students do hear from me during their Annual Day this time around. Being a speaker is a big responsibility for it takes a person from being a part of the crowd to guide and manoeuvre them.

I am glad that I have got this opportunity for the second time even after disgracing it for the first time and I am looking forward to make justice to the opportunity which has come my way. Thanking you once again and giving my acceptance,

Yours sincerely,
Mr Steward

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