Letter accepting proposal for a joint celebration


Mr Potter,
Galaxy Heights Apartments,

Mrs Swift,
Wind View Apartments,

Dear Mrs Swift,
This letter has been drafted to make you aware that your proposal for a joint celebration of Halloween by all the residing members of both the apartments has been accepted from our side. It would be great fun and joy when kids from both sides will be enjoying the occasional holiday celebrating together. It has been a long time since such a joint celebration of any event took place. The occasion of Halloween is a better option where people shall be able to open up naturally.
I have a couple of ideas regarding the planning of the concerned night and I am looking forward to share your ideas with equal zeal. I would like to hear a reply from your side as to when the members of both the apartments shall be meeting together to decide on the programmes to be held. Looking forward for a memorable time in the near future,

Your fellow secretary,

Mr Potter

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