Sample letter on accepting an invitation for a party

Mr Collins,
C-4, Humble heights,
Mr Darren,
H-2, Roaring Winds Apartments,

Dear Mr Darren,
I wish that this letter reaches to you in time of best health of you and your family. I was just thinking the other day that it has been a long time having heard from you and the next moment I found your invitation for the party. I would like to inform you that I shall be coming to the party with all my family as you have urged in your letter. It would be a nice warming up after so long. I have lots to talk about and I am expecting the same thing around your side as well.

Mellissa might be in her last year at the degree institute if I am not mistaken. Give my wishes for best luck to her for her upcoming university examination which I suppose is not far away. I am looking forward to spending some memorable moments with you and your family,

Yours friendly,
Mr Collins

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