How to Write a College Acceptance Letter

While in some cases acceptance letters are to be written as a form of courtesy to inform somebody of your acceptance but on other hand form some instances it is mandatory to write acceptance letter. The letter should specifically state the reason of this letter that is your acceptance whether it is job acceptance, admission or something else.

Mr. William D. Williams
2994 Thompson Street
Gardena, CA 90248
24 September, 2010
Dear, Mr. William
This is with regards to your application form number _____ (What is the College Application Form Number) submitted on _________ (What is the Date on Which the Form was Received) for admission in the _________ (What is the Stream Opted for – Science/Commerce/Arts) stream of our college.
Through your documents and certificates submitted along with the application form we can make out that you had been a brilliant student of ________ (What is Name of the Student’s Old Educational Institute). Keeping in mind your outstanding performance and past academic records, our management team has decided to accept your application for pursuing _____ (What is the Course Opted for) from our college. You are requested to visit the college with all the essential documents, both original and photocopied, to fill all the required forms and foster the admission process. Further to that, you can join our next batch of _____ (What is the Course Opted for) starting from _________ (When is the New Batch Starting)
With heartiest congratulations I welcome you in our college.

Thanking You
Yours truly,
Name and Signature

Ms. Lydia R. York
Dean of Admissions
St. Xavier’s College Management
1310 Palmer Road

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