Letter for accepting product sample

Mr. George K Harper
E-9023, Central Industrial Lane
Date: 12th Feb, 2012
Subject: Product Acceptance Letter

Dear Mr. Harper
This letter is to acknowledge you that the sample prototype of the product that you had sent to our office for feedback has been accepted. We liked the concept, the material used and the output product design. I must admit that your creative team has put a lot of efforts to come up with these unique creative ideas pertaining to the design of the toys.

We are satisfied with the sample lot and would like to make a big purchase order. I have attached a copy of the proposed purchase order and other details regarding our requirements for your perusal. We would like to meet you on coming Monday to finalize the purchase order and to sign the agreement. Kindly revert back with your availability confirmation. In case of any further query please feel free to contact me on 9xxxxxxxxx1

Jessica Smith,
HGL Pvt. Limited

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